Legal information
For use, transparency and open communication are indispensable. This is where you will find important information on the company and how you can easily contact us.
Arvato SE
Reinhard-Mohn-Straße 22
D-33333 Gütersloh
Registered in the commercial register of the local court of Gütersloh HRB 11370 with tax identification number DE 319 051 807.
The information and resources relating to vehicles available via the internet refer to the brands SEAT and CUPRA, property of SEAT, S.A.U., the Spanish company with the address Autovía A-2, km 585, 08760 Martorell, Spain, VAT identification number A-28049161, registered with the commercial register of Barcelona, volume 23662, folio 1, page number B-56-855.
SEAT/CUPRA is neither prepared nor obliged to take part in dispute settlement proceedings in front of a consumer arbitration board.
Reinhard-Mohn-Straße 22
D-33333 Gütersloh
Registered in the commercial register of the local court of Gütersloh HRB 11370 with tax identification number DE 319 051 807.
The information and resources relating to vehicles available via the internet refer to the brands SEAT and CUPRA, property of SEAT, S.A.U., the Spanish company with the address Autovía A-2, km 585, 08760 Martorell, Spain, VAT identification number A-28049161, registered with the commercial register of Barcelona, volume 23662, folio 1, page number B-56-855.
SEAT/CUPRA is neither prepared nor obliged to take part in dispute settlement proceedings in front of a consumer arbitration board.